14 February 2024


The EMDG program is currently subject to a strategic review. It is highly likely there will be significant changes to the program as a result of this review which will apply to round 4 applicants. Changes may affect, eligibility to apply, eligibility of expenses and the application process itself. We will provide updates on any developments once these have come to light.

Applications for round 4 of EMDG are not expected to open until late 2024 or early 2025 and will be for expenses in the financial year beginning 01 July 2025. In the past applications have only been open for a 6 week period so you will need to act quickly once the application window opens. Contact one of our team to register your interest in applying for the next round.

Note that any changes resulting from the strategic review will have no effect on those applicants that have current grant agreements in place, i.e. those of you that applied under rounds 1, 2 or 3. These agreements will continue until the “Agreement end date” as defined in your grant agreement. Round 1, 2 and 3 applicants are required to a submit a milestone report for the 2023/24 year. Milestone reporting will begin in July 2024 and applicants are advised to lodge early in this period for the best chance of an earlier grant payment.



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