Export Solutions Update

25 March 2020

Export Solutions Update

Although these are unprecedented circumstances, our team across the country continue to assist Australian businesses through these challenging times. We work remotely with 90% of our clients, industry bodies and government agencies. So there is no change to how we work, and no loss of efficiency.

Export Market Development Grants (EMDG)

Our EMDG team are hard at work helping Australian businesses access over $160 million in federal funding, which in this time of financial uncertainty can provide some very welcome cashflow relief for businesses.

EMDG gives eligible Australian companies a cash rebate of nearly 50% of eligible international marketing costs. EMDG is not a competitive program, so if your business is eligible, you will get a grant.

The grant can be up to $150,000. Last year, around 3,800 Australian businesses received an average of $35,000.

What expenses can you claim?
- Travel
- Promotional Materials
- Digital Advertising (GoogleAds, Facebook, Instagram, SEO etc)
- Trade Shows
- Free Samples
- International Patent and Trademarks
- Marketing Consultants or Representatives
- Overseas Buyers Visiting Australia

This is a rebate for expenses that you have already paid - a first time applicant can claim expenses as far back as 1 July 2018!

To be eligible, an entity must have:
1) an ABN
2) a turnover of less than $50million in the year of application
3) spent over $15,000 on international promotion
4) received less than 8 previous EMDG grants
5) principal status - ie. make the sale to the overseas customer (with some exceptions)

To find out more about EMDG visit: www.exportsolutions.com.au/export-grants-emdg/.

If you'd like to speak with someone about EMDG, you can:

  1. Arrange a time for us to contact you by completing a short form - click here.
  2. You can contact one of our team directly by phone or email - to find a team member closest to you visit: www.exportsolutions.com.au/contact-us/.


Trade Fairs

All international trade fairs in the first half of 2020 have been / are being postponed to later dates.

Shows in the second half of the year are under constant review by the Organisers - we are in direct contact with the Exhibition Directors and their teams on a regular basis. 

When you get a chance to plan your future overseas marketing there are some exciting opportunities in the pipeline for 2021 - providing access to new markets for Australian businesses. 


Export Grants

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